How to Install AppImage and Create Searchable Shortcut on Ubuntu Linux

2 min readMay 5, 2024

AppImages are a convenient way to download and run applications without the need for installation or root privileges. They encapsulate an entire application and its dependencies into a single file, making them easy to distribute and use across different Linux distributions. The key idea behind the AppImage format is to package one application into one file, containing all necessary files and libraries. This self-contained nature means that AppImages have minimal dependencies and can run on a targeted base operating system without additional installations. For general information about AppImages, you can refer to the documentation.

You can find some general informations about AppImage here.

Step 1: Download AppImage and Icon

Begin by downloading the AppImage file for your software. Additionally, find an appropriate icon for your AppImage. You can search online for icons related to the application or create your own if preferred. Save the icon in the same folder as your AppImage file. Ensure the icon file is in PNG format for optimal display.

Step 2: Create a Folder

Create a dedicated folder where you’ll store the AppImage file and its associated icon. This folder will serve as a convenient location for your AppImage software.

Step 3: Making an AppImage Executable

Before running the AppImage, you need to make it executable. Open the terminal and use the chmod command to grant execute permissions to the AppImage file:

chmod a+x exampleName.AppImage

Replace exampleName.AppImage with the actual name of your AppImage file.

Now that the AppImage is executable, you can run it using the terminal:


Step 4: Create a Desktop Entry

Open your file manager and navigate to your home directory. Display hidden folders by pressing Ctrl+H. This allows you to access the necessary directory where desktop entries are stored: .local/share/applications.

Create a new text document in the applications directory and name it descriptively, such as "Appname.desktop," replacing "Appname" with your software's name. Open this document in a text editor and insert the following content:

[Desktop Entry]
GenericName=Video Editor
Comment=Appname is a free, open-source, and cross-platform video editor

Replace “Appname” with your software’s name, and specify the correct paths for the AppImage file and icon. Adjust the “Categories” field as needed for your application.

Step 5: Save the File

Save the text document and close the text editor.

Step 6: Update Desktop Entry

Finally, update the desktop database to ensure the system recognizes the new desktop entry. In the terminal, run the command:

update-desktop-database ~/.local/share/applications/

This action registers your AppImage software in the system, ensuring that the desktop entry is recognized and accessible.




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